THIE Update Amid COVID-19

Dear THIE Subscribers,

THIE is taking precautionary measures to ensure the well-being of our staff while ensuring that we can continue to operate with full capabilities.
We have telecommuting procedures in place for THIE staff to begin working from home tomorrow, March 17, until at least April 1.

The transition to remote work, will in no way limit our ability to serve our THIE subscribers.

THIE is among those briefed by THA and NAMIC on a daily basis—keeping us up-to-date on the current situation. These associations are in contact with regulators and will remain actively involved
as federal and state governments take further steps in response to the pandemic.

This decision is made with a focus on limiting transmission and knowing that even those who aren’t experiencing symptoms may infect others.
As insurers, we know the best time to reduce losses is before they happen, and the more we keep that in mind the sooner we will be able to get back to our normal day-to-day.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of our THIE management team:
VP of Claims, Ida Murguia 512/483-5516
Claims Manager, Dolores Amador 512/483-5550
VP of Underwriting, Liz Jennings 512/517-8980
Senior Risk Management Advisor, Angie Merrell 512/483-5505
Accounting Manager, Janet Hernandez 512/483-5530

Tess Frazier
President & CEO

COVID-19 and Workers’ Comp. Claims

As with any other injury/illness, a key question is did the worker contract it in the scope of employment?


The worker/facility would have the burden to show that the virus was sustained at work.  In order to be compensable, there would have to be some evidence of exposure to a patient or coworker who had the virus.  Under current conditions, if a patient at one of the insured’s facilities contracts the virus, and there are no reported cases elsewhere in the community, this tends to indicate that the virus was sustained while at work at the hospital.  Compensability will be determined on a case by case basis.


Our recommendation is for insureds to alert THIE immediately if a COVID-19 case turns out to be present in their facility, and, if any hospital employee is claiming to have contracted the disease, to file a report of injury immediately so that THIE can make an appropriate investigation.


The Texas Department of Insurance has also created a web page providing state and federal resources for stakeholders in the Texas workers’ compensation system as it relates to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you have any additional questions, please contact our VP of Claims, Ida Murguia or Claims Manager, Dolores Amador.

Hot Topics: Waco Wrap-Up & Save-The-Date, Lubbock!

Dear Hot Topics, Waco…

You did not disappoint. While the weather was not in our favor for an afternoon of golf, the event itself was fun,
memorable and offered new elements that we couldn’t get enough of.

Everyone in Attendance

With time, patience and effort we think we have found our stride in offering two, half-day sessions of learning with the additional lunch and learn for those who crave more. The shorter days mean more impactful education sessions with lower burn-out. Ample time is provided for networking, plugging back in remotely to your office while also having time to golf or explore a new city with colleagues.

With these half-day sessions, we saw an uptick in the number of attendees that stayed all the way through our day two, session. We were so pleased to see that we are on the right track in offering an educational forum that balances both education and work balance. Thank you to all of you that joined us!

We have some great plans up our sleeves for future Hot Topics and we can not wait for you to join us!

Be sure to mark your calendars…

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