The Most Common Claims

The Most Common Claims

Looking back three years from 2016 to 2019, THIE pulled the data to find the most common areas of claims filings with its subscribers.

The data shows Lost Causes for Workers’ Compensation and Professional Liability– breaking down the data even further to outline the specifics of those claims.

Cases to Look Out For

When it comes to Risk Management and ensuring our subscribers are doing everything, they can to keep their health care facilities safe, we see a great deal of common or reoccurring instances that we recommend be addressed. For example, when posting a “wet floor” sign-making sure it points to the affected area. But in some cases, we see “fairly unique” situations to which Risk Management will require the facility to take further action to ensure safety. We like to highlight these as something you may want to watch out for:

  1. During the walkthrough of the grounds, it was noted that the Liquid Oxygen Tank fencing did not have a “No Smoking/Oxygen in Use” sign on the fencing. We recommended signage on the fencing.
  2. hpl/gl – We recommend your patient rights policy/procedures align with TAC Section 133.42 Patient Rights.
  3. wc – We recommend re-visiting talks to repair the helipad concrete walkway as its low elevation makes it a hazard with standing water, runoff, etc.
  4. hpl/gl – We recommend that your credentialing process include verifying that the applicant is not excluded from federal programs. One such way to do this is by using the OIG site at
  5. hpl/gl – While on a walkthrough of the facility it was noticed that an electrical panel in the hallway outside of the kitchen/lunchroom had the lock missing and the panel door was accessible to anyone that walked by.
    Suggested replacing the locking mechanism and keeping the panel door locked in public access-ways.



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