Quick Notes


THIE stands for Texas Hospital Insurance Exchange. We are an insurance company that has been providing coverage to health care facilities for over 40 years.


THIE is a reciprocal exchange — meaning THIE subscribers share ownership and have a vested interest in its success. When THIE profits, we distribute surplus back to our subscribers. Subscribers share profits and losses in the same proportion as the amount of insurance they purchase, so premiums paid become an investment


A subscriber is anyone who carries a policy with THIE.


THIE offers a full range of coverage including:

  • Medical Professional Liability
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Commercial General Liability
  • Commercial Automobile
  • Umbrella Coverage


THIE’S risk management team helps subscribers identify and manage risk, as well as develop policies and procedures that reflect best practices. This service is free to THIE Subscribers.

A subscriber of THIE lowered their loss expense from $133,893 to $27,051 in just two years after implementing THIE’s risk management training.


THIE’s Hot Topics Forum is free to subscribers. This regional event is an educational forum that occurs twice a year and provides a two-day setting for networking and learning best practices in health care.


THIE’s medical professional liability insurance protects you against legal liability resulting from negligence, errors and omissions, and other aspects of rendering or failing to render professional service to your patients. MPL claims are all submitted via email to: [email protected]

*Now offering excess liability up to $10 million.

Standard Features:

  • Coverage issued on a claims-made basis;
  • Defense costs in addition to policy limits;
  • Media expenses for an adverse event $25k policy aggregate;
  • Emergency evacuation expense $25k policy aggregate;
  • Disciplinary proceedings legal expense $25k policy aggregate;
  • Cyber Liability $100k policy aggregate;
  • Additional limits of Cyber available upon request, separate policy applies;
  • Various deductible options;
  • Coverage option for prior acts available;
  • Named insured consent to settle;
  • Automatic coverage for hospital employees;
  • Coverage for medical staff, including medical director (administrative only);
  • Interest-free payment plans;
  • Risk management services; and
  • Primary coverage limits up to $1,000,000/$3,000,000.

*Available only in Texas*

Our subscribers count on THIE to provide comprehensive workers’ compensation coverage to their employees for work-related injuries or disease. It also protects employers should they be faced with additional liability, as well as the loss of certain common law defenses, if they are sued over an on-the-job injury.

THIE comprehensive coverage is supported by proactive claims handling. THIE provides extensive loss control services to help hospitals decrease claims, and thereby decrease premiums. Workers’ Compensation claims are all submitted via email to: [email protected]

Policyholders may choose from guaranteed cost or various deductible options. Premiums are based on your facility’s exposures and experience each year.

THIE has been recognized by the Texas Department of Insurance as a Top Tier Carrier.

Only 5% of workers’ compensation insurance companies receive this elite rating in recognition of exceptional claims management and service.

Standard Features:

  • Various deductible options;
  • Risk management services;
  • Interest-free payment plans;
  • Fraud prevention;
  • Return to work program;
  • Peer review;
  • Case management; and
  • Employers’ liability limits up to $1 million.

Even in the most safety-conscious organizations, accidents can happen. With THIE’s general liability program, your facility is protected from claims by the general public for negligent acts or omissions arising out of your operations. THIE’s program is comprehensive, yet flexible enough to meet the unique needs of health care facilities.

*Now offering excess liability up to $10 million.

Standard Features:

  • Defense costs in addition to policy limits;
  • No-fault medical expense coverage;
  • Personal injury and advertising injury;
  • Damage to premises rented to you;
  • Employee benefits liability;
  • Interest-free payment plans;
  • Risk management services; and
  • Limits of liability of up to $1,000,000/$3,000,000;

Coverage extends to Helipads | Nursing schools | Health clubs | Daycare centers | Nursing homes | Assisted living facilities | Clinics | Durable medical equipment rental/sales

THIE’s commercial automobile coverage protects facilities from legal liability and physical damages. Facilities may include emergency and non-owned vehicles in this program.

*Now offering excess liability up to $10 million.

Standard Features:

  • Combined single limits or split limits options;
  • Medical payments;
  • Personal injury protection;
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist;
  • Physical damage;
  • Hired and non-owned liability & physical damage;
  • Interest-free payment plans;
  • Risk Management services; and
  • Combined Single Limit of $1,000,000 which applies to bodily injury or property damage.

THIE proudly offers an Umbrella policy with limits up to $10 million in excess of our medical professional, commercial general, and commercial auto liability policies.

Standard Features:

  • Interest-free payment plans

Insurance Services That Exceed Expectations

With THIE’s Risk Management Services, you benefit from:

Customer Service

On-site, telephone, and virtual consultations from our exceptionally experienced risk management team. We will identify potential problems and recommend remedial action before claims occur. THIE also offers risk management presentations and free online CME credits in partnership with Med-IQ.


On-site surveys are provided by our risk managers to help identify risks.


Research and data analysis to track trends and apply best practices.


Educational in-service programs tailored to your facility’s needs.


Sample policies, procedures, forms.


Hot Topics Forums to keep you informed of current legal cases, laws, and risk management issues.

THIE’S risk management team helps subscribers identify and manage risk, as well as develop policies and procedures that reflect best practices. This service is free to THIE Subscribers.
Proven Results:
One facility that implemented THIE’s Risk Management Services reduced their Workers’ Compensation claims by over 50% since 2015.

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